4530 East Carey Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89115

Category: Bus Safety

5 Things You Can Do to Stay Sanitary When Using Public Transportation

Public Transportation Buses for Sale in Las Vegas, NV

Despite the many advantages public transportation has to offer its riders, it doesn’t exactly have the cleanest reputation. It is, after all, difficult to keep up with cleaning and sanitizing over the course of a typical day when hundreds to thousands of passengers (and their germs) are getting on and off every few minutes. In dealing with the current coronavirus pandemic, however, the public transportation industry and companies all throughout the country have stepped up with frequent and thorough cleaning and disinfecting measures. If you do need to use public transit as the pandemic continues, there are also a few… Read more »

6 Tips for First-Time Bus Drivers

New & Used Buses for Sale near Las Vegas

So, you just landed a job as a bus driver. Or maybe you just finished your bus conversion. Maybe your boss put you in charge of the shuttle bus for the first time today. Whatever brought you here, you’ve found yourself sitting in the driver’s seat of a bus for the first time—how exciting! Driving a bus is a whole different beast than helming a regular passenger car. If you’re nervous though, it’s okay. We’ll walk you through the most important things to remember as you embark on your first-time bus driving adventure! 1) Inspect your bus before each trip…. Read more »

School Bus Etiquette Every Parent Should Teach Their Child

New & Used School Buses for Sale in Las Vegas

The school bus system is an incredible resource for parents everywhere who are trying to give their children the best education possible. They’re a safe, convenient, and cost-effective (does it get any cheaper than free?!) option for kids whose parents are unable to consistently get them to school on their own. As a parent, it’s your job to teach your child how to ride the bus safely and respectfully. Review these best school bus practices and etiquette rules with your children to ensure everybody has a positive experience going to and from school! At the Bus Stop: Cross the street… Read more »

The Do’s and Don’ts of Using Public Transportation as a Traveler

Public Transportation Vehicles for Sale in Las Vegas

Exploring a new city in a different state or foreign country is a thrilling and enriching experience! You’ll come across new people, unique restaurants, fun attractions, opportunities to learn about the culture, and so much more in your travels. When it comes to maneuvering through a foreign city, public transportation is usually the most convenient and cost-efficient way to get around. As a tourist, however, it’s important that you take a few extra measures than you would traveling in a familiar area to stay safe on public transport! DO check the schedule first. Just as you should with most aspects… Read more »

Putting a Stop to Motion Sickness

New and Used Buses for Sale in Las Vegas

Motion sickness, while not life-threatening, can put a serious damper on your travels. There’s nothing more frustrating than boarding your bus or plane and suddenly being debilitated by an intense wave of nausea and dizziness. It takes away from the excitement of your trip and makes the next few hours of your life miserable! Fortunately, there is some relief to be found for motion sickness and plenty of prevention strategies for you to use—all of which we’ve gathered for you here. Remember this helpful information and these tips when you embark on your next bus trip, car ride, or flight,… Read more »