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Tag: School Bus Advice

Managing Bad School Bus Behavior: How to Keep Kids Under Control

kids smiling and waving on school bus

Riding the school bus is a fun and enriching experience for children of all ages. It teaches kids responsibility, helps them become more independent, and allows them to make friends and just be kids for 20 minutes before and after school. It comes as no surprise, however, that when you throw a bunch of kids into one confined space, they can sometimes get a little rowdy. While children should be able to enjoy their time on the bus, behavior that is too rambunctious can distract the driver and jeopardize the safety of everyone on board. If drivers in your school bus fleet complain of rebellious or unruly… Read more »

Tips on Preparing Your Child’s School Bus Route

Smiling mother standing with son giving high five near school bus stop

Summer break is coming to a close, and soon the sound of school buses rolling down the busy streets will mark the start of a new school year. For many students, the school bus ride is a crucial part of their daily routine. This journey plays a critical role in setting the tone for their day, so ensuring they are comfortable and safe is important. Here are a few tips and best practices for establishing and maintaining a safe commute on your child’s bus route. Understanding the School Bus System Numerous buses travel through neighborhoods daily, transporting students to their… Read more »

How to Prepare Your School Bus for Summer Break

Classmates going to school by bus leaning out of the window smiling cheerful

With the end of the school year approaching and summer break just around the corner, it’s important for school bus owners and operators to get ready for the off-season. Proper maintenance and storage strategies are key to keeping the buses in good condition when the new school year begins. Here is some helpful advice on preparing your school bus for the summer break! Conduct a Thorough Inspection and Perform Maintenance Before parking your school bus for the summer break, conducting a thorough inspection is crucial to identify any mechanical issues or signs of wear. Check the engine, brakes, tires, and… Read more »

Reminder Rules as School Buses Return

School Bus Picking Up Child

If you’re a parent, child, teenager, college student, or teacher, August likely signifies one thing: the school year is back again! For drivers, that means that school buses will soon return to their streets and rush hour traffic will inevitably get busier. While school bus laws differ state to state, there are a few things every driver should keep in mind when driving around school buses. As a company who sells school buses, below are some tips on respecting a school buses role on the road. STOP Does Mean STOP  If you’re on a two-lane road and a school bus… Read more »